Keeping skin care simple

For many years I have been a huge fan of rose hip oil. I am also a great fan of keeping my skincare really simple, after 3 decades of being in the skincare industry I have seen many crazy products and tried quite a number. I confess to being the woman who had to install more shelving in her bathroom to accommodate extra products…But now things are very different – now I keep things to a minimum, why didn’t anyone introduce me to rose hip oil before? Rose hip oil is a multivitamin for you skin – it is jam packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants that are crucial to having a glowing skin. This gorgeous oil contains the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which can also be found in tomatoes and watermelon – this helps to protect the skin from premature aging and gives the oil its beautiful amber colour. The fatty acids help to regenerate and repair skin cells and damaged tissue. They hydrate dry skin and can actually improve the appearance of scars and wrinkles – particularly good for sun damage. Additionally rose hip oil is a natural source of vitamin A, research has shown that applying trans-retinoic acid (vitamin A) to the skin helps to prevent premature aging caused by sun damage. My rose hip oil has now taken the place of a daily moisturiser, night cream, eye-cream and a serum. I gently massage 2-3 drops directly onto my face and neck, ensuring the drier areas are taken care of and even taking it up to my eyes morning and night. I love that idea that at night rose hip oil helps your skin to repair, rejuvenate and BREATHE whilst you sleep. There are many different products out there, so I recommend reading the label – buy pure rose hip and organic whenever possible. For value for money I love Organic Spa’s rose hip oil RRP $42.95 a bottle usually lasts me 3 months – a huge saving of a variety of products.

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